A book that integrates man pages, tcp ip protocol suite concepts and linux networking commands?

I know I'm asking a lot. And 1 book might not be able to do all of these.
When I read about ping, that book should tell me how it's working between two endpoints.
The book should also tell me some basic command options that I can hit with ping.
The book should tell me type of issues that I can troubleshoot with ping.
The book should have some figures for types of connection issues that ping can trace.

Same for traceroute and other ....

Is there one? two? Or even three?

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That book does not exist. But if it did, these would be the first 1029 pages.

As far as I remember, this is the first of five volumes (I bought the first three).

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I indeed have that book :smiley: Also douglas comer's and Unix and linux system administration handbook. I just probabyl addicted to purchasing books at this point lol.

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To learn TCP/IP thoroughly, you won't regret reading the TCP/IP Illustrated trilogy by the late great W. Richard Stevens:


Actually, you won't regret reading everything he ever wrote.

I can't recommend his books highly enough. I've read the first two TCP/IP Illustrated books and a few of his other books.

As for the manpage requirements, just read the manpages.


I've his pdf but could not find physical copy in my country. (Or too expensive to import). Isn't there a south asian(indian) edition of that book?

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