64 Bit SPARC Solaris 10 Install

I downloaded the iso image from here and burnt it on DVD.

But when I tried installing it..it said boot device not availiable. Do I have to make it bootable?

Is there any other component that I need to write on DVD other than the image?

Moreover the DVD which I received from my admin for x86 has totally different content than what I have for sparc. x86 has all install file, config file, etc. but sparc only has the 2.2 G image file.

Unix gurus - Need some help!


after download, what have you done with the files? which hardware do you use? what have you done to boot from the dvd? what are the exakt error messages?

Hey Duke,

After downloading sol-10-u9-ga-sparc-dvd-iso.zip file I unzipped and extracted sol-10-u9-ga-sparc-dvd.iso.

Then I burnt the file sol-10-u9-ga-sparc-dvd.iso on DVD and put it on CD drive of a system which already has Solaris 10 x86. Followed by reboot of the m/c.

On reboot I tried booting it from CDROM (F12)...but I got following message -
'SELECT BOOT DEVICE NOT AVAILABLE - strike F1 to try reboot, F2 for set up utility'

Please let me know what to do next.


This does not sound like your installing on a SPARC platform. What is the model of the workstation/server your trying to install on? You cannot boot the SPARC DVD on a x86 system.

Its intel core 2 duo..4G RAM ...160 GB HD...

and it has solaris 10 x86 installed on it( I did it today morning).

Is there specific SPARC platform?


yes. SPARC is a completely different CPU architecture than x86. google it and or check out oracle.com/sun.com. you cannot install it on a x86 box.