30 Load average with fping script

Hi! I've make a script that gets a list of 200 Ip's and calls another script once per ip in a infinite loop with a pause of 10 seconds. So It calls over 200 times every 10 seconds the second script (that makes a fping). But this cause a load average of 30. I've been reading about this and I undestand that the load average is high because there are a lot of processes (the second script I guess) waiting to be executed. My server has a good performance so, is possible that this high load will become a problem in the future or is it a normal behavior when you run such scripts as I do?

My top info:

top - 11:27:01 up  2:36,  2 users,  load average: 27.23, 28.56, 28.74
Tasks: 281 total,  32 running, 248 sleeping,   0 stopped,   1 zombie
Cpu(s):  1.4%us, 97.1%sy,  0.5%ni,  0.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  1.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   3115860k total,   588408k used,  2527452k free,   104720k buffers
Swap:  5177336k total,        0k used,  5177336k free,   278932k cached

You are correct - it has the potential for performance problems. Combine the two scripts. Make the second script a function call with some editing

   # edit your other script file and put it here.

#  main ---------------
while :
   second_script  arg

Thanks brother! But I need the second script to play in parallel, so I call the second with the & option.

    nohup /etc/pingers/insertPingWan.sh $d > /dev/null&

This is because every ping cannot wait for other pings to be completed, so the new question is will the function be played in parallel as the script did? Or is there anyway for launching the function in parallel?

Try it and see for yourself.

Ok, I tried several ways, but always get high load average if I do it in parallel. I-m running a one processor CentOS VM inside an 1,86 x 2 processor with 3,6 of Memory. I-m just doing 1000 fpings into a minute, with their 1000 mysql inserts. So is normal in this enviroment to get that load average values or my machine should carry with this without problem?