3 files in one awk one liner

I have three files and I have to do something like this:-

File A
1232|||1111 0001|||
1232|||2222 0001|||
1232|||4444 0001|||
1232|||4444 0001|||

File B
1232|1111 0001|||002222||
1232|2222 0001|||003333||
1232|3333 0001|||004444||

File C

Files are pipe delimited
For every line in File A, If Column 4 in File A is missing in all the rows in File B in Column 2, we print miss1
If it is present in any one row of File B, we check, if Col 5 of file B is present in any row of file C in Col 2.
If it is, we print "ok", else print "miss2".

I needed one liner for awk, so that I could run it from command prompt.
I tried this. It works, but it does not print correct message:-

nawk 'BEGIN{ FS="|";c=0;d=0} NR==FNR{f1[$2]=$5;c++;next} NR==FNR+c {f2[$2]=$0;d++} NR==FNR+c+d{ e=f1[$4]; print $4 in f1?$4 ( e in f2?" ok ":" miss2 "):$4" miss1 " }END {}' B C A

Expected O/P
1111 0001 ok
2222 0001 miss2
4444 0001 miss1
4444 0001 miss1

my o/p from awk command:-
1111 0001 ok
2222 0001 miss2
4444 0001 miss2
4444 0001 miss2

I don"t know why it is printing misses2 when it should be misses1 for 4444 0001.
any help will be appreciated.

open FH,"<a.txt";
	my @tmp=split("[|]",$_);
	push @arr,$tmp[3];
close FH;

open FH,"<b.txt";
	my @tmp=split("[|]",$_);
close FH;

open FH,"<c.txt";
	my @tmp=split("[|]",$_);
close FH;

	if (not exists $hash1{$arr[$i]}){
		print $arr[$i]," miss1\n";
		if (not exists $hash2{$hash1{$arr[$i]}}){
			print $arr[$i]," miss2\n";
			print $arr[$i]," ok\n";

cherry can u tell me:

what NR is used by kishal in above post

thanks cherry. that works perfectly.

but, if you could just also tell me why this awk code is showing wrong message, that will help me further.

nawk 'BEGIN{ FS="|";c=0;d=0} NR==FNR{f1[$2]=$5;c++;next} NR==FNR+c {f2[$2]=$0;d++} NR==FNR+c+d{ e=f1[$4]; print ,( $4 in
f1?$4 ,( e in f2?" ok ":e" misses2 ") ) :$4" misses1 " }END {}' B C A

When $4 is not present in f1 , should this not directly print $4 misses1 rather than printing misses2.?

I have finally done that with a minor change:-

nawk 'BEGIN{ FS="|";c=0;d=0} NR==FNR{f1[$2]=$5;c++;next} NR==FNR+c {f2[$2]=$0;d++} NR==FNR+c+d{ print $4 in f1?$4 ( f1[$4] in f2?" ok ":" miss2 "):$4" miss1 " }END {}' B C A

1111 0001 ok
2222 0001 miss2
4444 0001 miss1
4444 0001 miss1

Thanks for responses.