2D collision simulation-programming

Hello, everybody, I'm thankful for the great helps you gave during the past year.

Now I'm facing a serious problem:

I was obliged to write a 2D collision simulation applet, and my experience is only in C,C++,Intelx86 assembly. I have no experience in Java and the like, and I don't know how to write animation programme and I have just found an example

the source code is as following:

var Field = function(){ this.init.apply(this, arguments); };
Field.prototype = {
    particles: [],
    permissivity: 1,
    maxSpeed: 0,
    nextID: 0,
    scale: .3,
    interval: 31,
    gridSize: 0,
    grid: [],
    init: function(el, options){
        Object.extend(this, options || {});
        this.width = el.offsetWidth;
        this.height = el.offsetHeight;
        this.el = el;
        this.el.style.position = 'relative';
    update: function(){
        for(var i=this.particles.length-1; i>=0; i--)  this.particles.update();
        this.timer = window.setTimeout(this.update.bind(this),  this.interval);
    addParticle: function(options){
        if(!options) options = {};
        var particle = new Particle(options.x ||  Math.random()*this.width, options.y || Math.random()*this.height, this,  options);
            particle.lockToBoundry(0, this.width, 0, this.height);
        return particle;
    getNextID: function(){
        return this.nextID++;
    getGridLocation: function(x, y){
        return [
            Math.floor(x / this.gridSize) || 0,
            Math.floor(y / this.gridSize) || 0
    getParticlesAtGridLocation: function(x, y){
        if(!this.grid[x] || !this.grid[x][y]) return false;
        return this.grid[x][y];
var Particle = function(){ this.init.apply(this, arguments); };
Particle.prototype = {
    restraints: [],
    ignoredParticles: {},
    init: function(x, y, field, options){
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        this.field = field;
        Object.extend(this, options || {});
        this.id = field.getNextID();
        this.el = document.createElement('img');
        this.el.src = 'ball.gif';
        this.el.style.position = 'absolute';
    update: function(){
        if(this.followMouse) return;
        this.xVel = this.xVel*this.field.permissivity +  this.xForce/this.mass + this.xAcc;
        this.yVel = this.yVel*this.field.permissivity +  this.yForce/this.mass + this.yAcc;
        this.x += this.xVel * this.field.scale;
        this.y += this.yVel * this.field.scale;
    move: function(){
        this.el.style.left =  this.x + 'px';
        this.el.style.top = this.y + 'px';
    resize: function(radius){
        this.radius = radius;
        this.el.style.width = radius * 2 + 'px';
        this.el.style.height = radius * 2 + 'px';
        this.el.style.marginLeft = -radius + 'px';
        this.el.style.marginTop = -radius + 'px';
    processRestraints: function(){
        for(var i=this.restraints.length-1; i>=0; i--)  this.restraints();
    addRestraint: function(fn){
    lockToMouseDown: function(momentum){
        var self = this;
        this.el.style.cursor = 'move';
        this.el.onmousedown = function(e){
            self.followMouse = true;
            Mouse.lastXY = Mouse.getXY(e);
            document.onmousemove = function(e){
                var xy = Mouse.getXY(e);
                var x = xy[0] - Mouse.lastXY[0];
                var y = xy[1] - Mouse.lastXY[1];
                if(momentum) self.nudgeWithVelocity(x, y);
                else self.nudge(x, y);
                Mouse.lastXY = xy;
                return false;
            document.onmouseup =  function(){
                self.followMouse = false;
                document.onmousemove = null;
            return false;
    nudge: function(x, y){
        this.x += x;
        this.y += y;
    nudgeWithVelocity: function(x, y){
        this.xVel = x;
        this.yVel = y;
        this.nudge(x, y);
    lockSpringTo: function(particle, multiplier){
        if(!multiplier) multiplier = .5;
        var currentDistance = this.getDistFrom(particle);
            var dist = this.getDistFrom(particle);
            var diff = dist - currentDistance;
            this.accelerateTowards(particle, diff*multiplier);
            particle.accelerateTowards(this, diff*multiplier);
    lockGravityTo: function(particle){
    lockToBoundry: function(xMin, xMax, yMin, yMax){
        xMin = xMin + this.radius;
        yMin = yMin + this.radius;
        xMax = xMax - this.radius;
        yMax = yMax - this.radius;
            if(this.x < xMin){
                this.xVel = -1*this.xVel;
                this.x = xMin;
            else if(this.x > xMax){
                this.xVel = -1*this.xVel;
                this.x = xMax;
            if(this.y < yMin){
                this.yVel = -1*this.yVel;
                this.y = yMin;
            else if(this.y > yMax){
                this.yVel = -1*this.yVel;
                this.y = yMax;
    lockToFieldSpeedLimit: function(){
            if(this.getSpeed() > maxSpeed)  this.setSpeed(this.field.maxSpeed);
    lockToXForce: function(f){
        this.xForce = f;
    lockToYForce: function(f){
        this.yForce = f;
    lockToXAccel: function(a){
        this.xAcc = a;
    lockToYAccel: function(a){
        this.yAcc = a;
    moveTowards: function(particle, amount){
        var xy = this.getUnitVectorTowards(particle);
        this.x += xy[0] * amount;
        this.y += xy[1] * amount;
    accelerateTowards: function(particle, multiplier){
        var xy = this.getUnitVectorTowards(particle);
        this.xForce = xy[0] * multiplier;
        this.yForce = xy[1] * multiplier;
    gravitateTowards: function(particle){
        var dist = this.getDistFrom(particle);
        //this.attractTo(particle, this.mass * particle.mass / dist *  dist);
        this.accelerateTowards(particle, particle.mass / dist * dist);
    attractTo: function(particle, force){
        this.accelerateTowards(particle, force / this.mass);
    getDistFrom: function(particle){
        var d1 = this.x - particle.x;
        var d2 = this.y - particle.y;
        return Math.sqrt(d1*d1 + d2*d2);
    getUnitVectorTowards: function(particle){
        var len = this.getDistFrom(particle);
        return [
            (particle.x - this.x) / len,
            (particle.y - this.y) / len
    getSpeed: function(){
        return Math.sqrt(this.xVel*this.xVel + this.yVel*this.yVel);    
    setSpeed: function(speed){
        var currentSpeed = this.getSpeed();
        this.xVel = this.xVel / currentSpeed * speed;
        this.yVel = this.yVel / currentSpeed * speed;
    setDirection: function(x, y){
        var currentSpeed = this.getSpeed();
        this.xVel = this.xVel * currentSpeed * x;
        this.yVel = this.yVel * currentSpeed * y;
    bounceInto: function(particle){
        var dist = this.getDistFrom(particle);
        var overlap = this.radius + particle.radius - dist;
        if(overlap > 0){
            var s1 = this.getSpeedAfterElasticCollisionWith(particle);
            var s2 = particle.getSpeedAfterElasticCollisionWith(this);
            var xy = this.getUnitVectorTowards(particle);
            this.xVel = -xy[0];
            this.yVel = -xy[1];
            particle.xVel = xy[0];
            particle.yVel = xy[1];
            this.moveAwayFrom(particle, overlap/2);
            particle.moveAwayFrom(this, overlap/2);
    getSpeedAfterElasticCollisionWith: function(particle){
        return (this.getSpeed() * (this.mass - particle.mass) + 2 *  particle.getSpeed() * particle.mass) / (this.mass + particle.mass)
    moveAwayFrom: function(particle, dist){
        var xy = this.getUnitVectorTowards(particle);
        this.x += -xy[0] * dist;
        this.y += -xy[1] * dist;
    updateGridLocation: function(){
        var xy = this.field.getGridLocation(this.x, this.y);
        this.addToGrid(xy[0], xy[1]);
    addToGrid: function(x, y){
        var grid = this.field.grid;
        if(!grid[x]) grid[x] = [];
        if(!grid[x][y]) grid[x][y] = [];
        grid[x][y][this.id] = true;
        this.lastGridLocation = [x, y];
    removeFromGrid: function(){
        var x = this.lastGridLocation[0];
        var y = this.lastGridLocation[1];
        delete this.field.grid[x][y][this.id];
    bounceOffNearbyParticles: function(){
        if(Math.abs(this.x-this.lastXY[0]) < this.field.scale  && Math.abs(this.y-this.lastXY[1]) < this.field.scale)  return;
        this.lastXY = [this.x, this.y]; 
        var xmin = this.lastGridLocation[0] - 1;
        var ymin = this.lastGridLocation[1] - 1;
        var parts, i, j;
        for(i=xmin; i<xmin+3; i++){
            for(j=ymin; j<ymin+3; j++){
                if(parts = this.field.getParticlesAtGridLocation(i, j)){
                    for(var k in parts){
                        if(this.id != k){
    registerToCollisionGrid: function(){
        this.lastXY = [0,0];
        if(this.radius*2 > this.field.gridSize)
            this.field.gridSize = this.radius*2;
    lockToGridCollisions: function(){
Function.prototype.bind = function(toThis, args){
    if(!args) args = [];
    var self = this;
    return function(){ self.apply(toThis, args); }
var Mouse = {
    getXY: function(e){
        if(!e) var e = window.event;
        return [e.clientX, e.clientY];
Object.extend = function(ob, extension){
    for(var i in extension){
        ob = extension;

But I don't know what language this is? And what compiler is needed to compute & execute the code? Thank you !!

It looks like javascript, maybe.

Its Javascript