200GB file backup

Dear All,

      I have 200GB mount point, but i have only 94GB files. i am taking this files as a tar with gzip backup. but my problems is if this files will be Reach 150GB or more what can i do?

Please advice me

can i use tar backup or any other tool for the backup.

thanks in advance

Ravi Gali

I know you want to tar and gzip the files, but where will you store the backup files after you have created it, and how will you transfer it there? This is import because it will allow people here to suggest methods of resolving your problem if they know what tools can be used.

I am using tar with gzip backup, i am storing this backup file in internal hard disk like sample.tgz file format

My question is

 if my file will be reach 130GB OR 200GB, the tar and gzip command will support or not? if not please advice me any other backup tool like tar or any.

gzip should support the large file - I'm not aware of any size limitation on gzip.


Tools may well support a file that size support the file, but will you have room to store it on that disk? It might be better to create multiple smaller files. In addition I cannot really see the benefit of storing a backup on the same disk as the original files. That is the main reason I asked where it would be stored.

I am storing this backup file in other box. but i want any tool for the backup the file like tar. coz this tar file currently i am taking this is the production data every day i have to maintain that copy in other failover unix box.

please advice any tool like tar backup