Our company is using a sun E4900 cluster. Last day, all instances of Oracle database has been suddenly stopped whitout treggring any alarm for a 15 minutes and has started alone without any action from the DBA.
Can anyone explain me what's the origin of this problem ?
no... not without a lot of further investigation... but i assume there was a cluster failover (which would explain the 15 min downtime). but to know the rootcause needs more digging.
Thanks for your answer. We don't have the same instance of Oracle on th two nodes.We have like 11 instances on the node 1 and 2 instances on the node 0. Only the instances of the node 1 have been stopped. can you now explain me what happened exactly?
could be 1000 things... open a call at oracle and give them the needed data (they will ask for it). or hire a consultant to help you out with your problem...
one good call is a problem with the network... if you've IPMP runnig, the interfaces can drop if you lost communication (if no static routes are configured) to your default router...
It's not a network problem because the two servers were accessible (we can ping).The only problem was with the database instances. All Oracle's instances were stopped and started exactly on the same time.
Do you think the problem is with Oracle configuration ?