Need help with certain commands

I'm trying to figure out certain commands for these steps. If you wish to discuss with me in real time, PM me your AIM or MSN, thanks. Here are the steps.

Edit the readcal_final file

Delete all of the lines that comprise the colandar portion of the memo

Without leaving vi, open a new shell

Copy the readcal_final file to readcal_final3

Question: "If you cat the readcal_final3 file what do you expect to see?

Cat the file and see if you were correct"

Issue the ps command. "How many shells are you executing?"

Exit the new shell; Save your data and leave vi


Edit the readcal_final2 file

While remaining in vi, edit the readcal_final3 file

While remaining in vi, go back to the readcal_final2 file

Scroll to the bottom of readcal_final2

While remaining in vi, go back to the readcal_final3 file

Delete everything in the file except the calendar, i.e. delete the text of
the memo

While remaining in vi, go back to readcal_final2

When prompted save your changes

Leave vi

(At this point your first "final" file should contain only the memo. The 2nd "final" file should contain the memo and the calendar. The 3rd final file should contain only the calendar.)