How to host a website with only ipv6 on a debian cloud?

I have a Hetzner Cloud server with debian, and I wanted to host a personal website on it, but I can't use ipv4, it only has an ipv6 address.

Does anyone know how to achieve this?

It should be the same as hosting on an IPv4 only system, just with IPv6.

If you must, treat it like a dual stack system with IPv4 and IPv6, just with the IPv4 only being locally significant.

I would be shocked if contemporary Debian had any problems with IPv6 only.

What have you tried? What problems have you run into?

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@Jeff , fyi, on their website it states that they support ipv4 , you may be on the 'wrong' contract.

By default, we deploy all of our servers with an IPv4 address and an IPv6 /64 subnet. Here, you can enable the option to get your server with an IPv6 subnet only.