Why are the MAC addresses duplicated in the "seastat" command output for all the LPARs? I can't figure out why one stanza has the LPAR information (hostname and IP) while the other stanza does not? Why the two separate sections and two separate sets of usage information (Bytes and Packets)?
vio1:/home/padmin:# seastat -d ent8 | more
Advanced Statistics for SEA
Device Name: ent8
MAC: 2E:D4:90:F7:11:02
VLAN: None
VLAN Priority: None
Transmit Statistics: Receive Statistics:
-------------------- -------------------
Packets: 168722 Packets: 5703146
Bytes: 10123320 Bytes: 508480604
MAC: 2E:D4:90:F7:11:02
VLAN: None
VLAN Priority: None
Hostname: host.domain.com
Transmit Statistics: Receive Statistics:
-------------------- -------------------
Packets: 48653048 Packets: 52944416
Bytes: 11864481768 Bytes: 12983497408