Zpool import/export error

A backup/clone script of ours was recently ran. It normally only clones the rpool and renames in rpoolA. Something must've changed as it found another one of our pools that it shouldn't have. It exported that pool unbeknownst to us. Later on when a coworker realized the other pool was missing he attempted to recover it but by creating a new pool with the same name and using the same lun instead of doing an import first.

It seems that since the new pool was created using the same name and same lun as the exported pool we cannot recover the original pool. We've tried destroying the newly created pool and running zpool import -D to see whats available and its only the newly created pool.

Does anyone know of any further recovery procedures? This was a newly installed system and this was our initial attempt at backing up that system so we are stuck without any data recovery.


You can also import by ID - see http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E19253-01/819-5461/gazuf/index.html for details.

If he used zpool create with the existing lun, the data and former pool is lost, no matter the names.
