Xwindows Problem OPenBSD 4.6


I have OPENBSD 4.6 installed as a VM in Virtual Box on my Ubuntu 9.10 machine.
Problem is that the XWindows will not start when I boot my OPENBSD VM.

I am new to OPENBSD. How do I fix this problem?

Did you do a default install of OpenBSD? If not, are you sure you installed the X11 parts? If you did a default install, did you tell the system to start X11/xdm at system start (that's not the default)?

I believe I did install the X11 files but I did not enable xdm by default...
How do I do that without reinstalling the OS?


First, check if X11 is working. Do that by logging in as root or the user you (hopefully) created during the installation, and running


from the command line. That should bring up a minimal desktop (TWM), which you can exit by left-clicking on an empty patch and, while holding the mouse button, moving down to "Exit".

If that works, log in as root, and edit /etc/rc.conf. Change the line




Reboot, and you should come up with a graphical login.

starx does NOT work. IT gives me an error message.
I tried running xorgconfig to manually set parameters but to no avail. I think it has issue with the VirtualBox video emulator.

1) Can someone help me resolve this problem?
2) Why is xdm attempting to run when it is set to NO in the file you mentioned? On reinstall I told BSD to start xdm upon start so it must have set a value somewhere. Where is it as I wish to deactivate xdm from starting up until I get the X problem resolved...

post the error message.