xntpd startup...Is it safe?

Have never run xntpd before. I have my ntp.conf file configured with server, trace file and drift file. I commented out the "broadcastclient" entry since I only want to get the time from a single source. Port 123 is in the /etc/services file for tcp and udp. Port 123 has been enabled in the ISA firewall so it can get to the outside time server.

Can I cause any damage bringing this up during the middle of the day when there are many users on the system if it doesn't run correctly?

After my research, I am assuming that I run "startsrc -s xntpd" to start and then run "stopsrc -s xntpd" to stop the daemon if there is a problem.

If all runs well, then I uncomment the xntpd startup in /etc/rc.tcpip to run the daemon upon system boot. Correct?

Thanks in advance for any input or advice anyone can give me.