Xmllint parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'


I have an XML file which contains html urls in that node values. When i use xmllint to parse that, i am getting error (because of the sympols in the url). i have used --html option but it throws other tag errors.

Please guide me.

sample file.xml 


echo "cat /abc/bcd/cde/a/text()" | xmllint  --nocdata --html --shell file.xml | sed '1d;$d'


parser error : EntityRef: expecting ';'
                                                                       ^(this symbol was pointing in the = sign)

Putting a ... in your diagnostic message instead of the actual text that was displayed makes it impossible for us to see where in that message xmlint thought there should be a semicolon character.

Please post the exact diagnostic message xmlint printed in CODE tags (not QUOTE tags).

I'm afraid it's the browser or the server or the editor? that added tags and put the ... in lieu of the real partial string. I removed the tags to display the entire string; unfortunately, the caret still point to nowhere...