XDMCP fatal error: Session declined No valid address

Hello all, I just post here to expose an issue I have encountered two days ago and finally successfully solve just right now using info on this site( but not only).

Config : Two SUN/ORACLE sparc Solaris 10 system.
Purpose : do a remote CDE login from host one to the host two.
method: from login window on host one do a 'remote desktop to' the second SUN system.
Issue : I get a gray screen with an X then I get a window that flashes and finally screen come back to local host login windows.

The massage XDMCP fatal error: Session declined No valid address : was displayed in the /var/dt/Xerrors of the local host one (where I do the remote connection command).

Solution: for me the issue was on the two following services oh host one : cde-login and x11-server. I have modified two properties values like that :

svccfg -s cde-login setprop dtlogin/args=\"\"
svcadm restart cde-login

svccfg -s x11-server setprop options/tcp_listen=true
svcadm restart cde-login

and my issue was solved.
