x11vnc 0.9.5 (Default branch)

x11vnc is a program that allows one to remotely view and interact with real X displays (i.e. a display corresponding to a physical monitor, keyboard, and mouse) with any VNC viewer. It is similar to WinVNC and is designed to be compatible with all Unix variants and depend on a very small set of standard libraries. It supports a growing number of command line options, such as -nofb for dual-headed mode with Win2VNC. It is part of the LibVNCServer project.License: GNU General Public License (GPL)Changes:
Symmetric key encryption using the RC4, AES, Blowfish, and 3DES ciphers is supported via the '-enc cipher:keyfile' option. Server-side scaling can now have different scale factors along the horizontal and vertical axes. The -chatwindow option allows a chat window to appear on the X console during UltraVNC chats. The non-SSL Java viewer applet has been replaced with an improved implementation.
