Working around netscape 4.9 segfault on Solaris 8

We have a Solaris 8 server which users login to via VNC to get a desktop. On that desktop these users use Netscape Communicator 4.9 to access a very important mail account. Unfortunately Netscape has started segfaulting regularly.

Does anyone have any ideas how I can try to find out what point it segfaults at, anything with dtrace? I know it's ancient and unsupported software but I need to keep it going until the migration to IMAP is approved so we can stop using this server as a desktop.

I had a problem with Netscape 4.x after updating the patching of Solaris 8, it was due to an updated /usr/dt/lib/, or /usr/dt/lib/, or /usr/dt/lib/sparcv9/, or /usr/dt/lib/sparcv9/ library files, I had to install a previous copy into a lib directory under the Netscape directory and write a wrapper script putting that directory first in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, I hope this might help.

My other suggestion would be to get Firefox V2.0.0.20 for Solaris 8 from: