work area directory jumping script?

hi all,

Ive been trying to find some way of doing this for ages but i have is a shell script that activates a python search and there it no tab completion. more familliar with tcsh at the moment but i'm a newbe.

i was trying to make an easy way to browse to a list of working directories.

say i had the following folder /work/template/clothing/.

now in this folder i have say folders named
so the ties full path would be /work/template/clothing/tie

what i want to do is to have some way of jumping to the different dir paths with one command

eg "work" being the script command and the first argument being which folder.

so in the shell type "work pants"

should get me to /work/template/clothing/pants

i can set up separate cdpath command but i have lot of directories and it would be nice to have a TAB completion.

surely this is a common script. is there one out there i can look at.

any ideas would be great. i dont know what this would be called to do the apopriate search

