With Laravel, create a custom attribute in the User Model to get the users full name and explain it to me

With Laravel, create a custom attribute in the User Model to get the users full name and explain it to me. Format output with Markdown including format code with Markdown triple backticks.

Adding a custom extended attribute “full name” to the User model is quite simple.

First, we create a getFullNameAttribute() method on the User model that'll return the users first name and last name, separated with a space. The attribute name must start with get and end with Attribute and the name between them will become the attribute name we can access in our application.

public function getFullNameAttribute()
    return $this->first_name . ' ' . $this->last_name;

Now, we can access that attribute using the $user model directly.

echo $user->full_name

Alternatively, we could access it via Eloquent's $appends variable to make sure this attribute is always included in Eloquent models' toArray() and toJson() outputs.

protected $appends = ['full_name'];