Windows UNIX emulators?

Is there some way I could run UNIX in a window by itself on a Win2K PC? I have to use this PC at work, and I'd like to run UNIX in the background, so I can learn the system during the inevitable lulls (my job is boring as hell).

Any help would be appreciated...thanks!

You can try these links to Cygwin/XFree86 and

Teraterm Pro is a free terminal emulator/telnet client for Windows, and its source is available. TTSSH adds SSH capabilities to Teraterm Pro without sacrificing any of Teraterm's existing functionality. TTSSH is also free.

Here is a link to the TTSSH link

and a link for documentation --

I installed CygWin...and for some reason, no text editors are available to me. No vi, no pico. Did I miss something? I want to edit my environment variables, and set my directory to use a specific folder, rather than the "home/user/" that it's set to by default.

I'd also like to install XWindows, but I have no idea how to do that either...I've got all the necessary files, but I'm not sure how to extract the tarballs...could it be any more obvious that I'm a newbie? :smiley:

have never used "CygWin" but TeraTerm is easy to use.

from the cygwin website
Note also that, by default, setup.exe does not install everything. Only the base cygwin distribution is installed by default. When running setup.exe, clicking on categories and packages in the package installation screen will provide you with the ability to control what is installed or updated. For instance, clicking on the "Default" field next to the "All" category will provide you with the opportunity to install every Cygwin package. Be advised that this will download and install hundreds of megabytes to your computer. The best plan is probably to click on individual categories and install either entire categories or packages from the categories themselves.

That explains it. I restarted the installer, and I'm getting the necessary extras...hopefully that will help.

Otherwise, I'll be back. :wink:


Alright, Cygwin and XFree86 are installed. How can I make tcsh my default shell, and how I can get XWindows to run?

If you want a real Unix, Emulator (It can also emu others,) Get Bochs it comes with DLX Linux but you can add others.:rolleyes: