windows terminal

hey all, i got a q
my computer at home runs Mac OS X so i use the terminal, and the computer(s) at school run Windows 98 (yuck) and i wanna know if there is a program for win 98 that is similar to terminal. and if possible, if they are compatible.

Windows has a program called Hyperterminal. But I am not exactly sure what the question really is. Windows 98 and MAC O/S X are 2 different animals. What are you trying to accomplish?

well, i guess that is all i needed to know, thanks

SSH runs fine on Windows 98. I use it everyday to access UNIX servers. MAC OS X has a SSH server configuration that comes with the out-of-the-box OS X distribution. So you can easily SSH to any OS X server when properly set up.

I think the poster meant that he was looking for a CLI shell for Win98, which does exist ( for the windows DOS based one, or Cygwin for windows for a BASH/Unix-like shell).

If he is looking for an SSH client, I recommend 'putty' - freeware, and VERY nice.