why the mv is not working in an FTP

Why when I mv $UpLoadFileName supfinaid.DSB
does not work,
it is getting the $UpLoadFileName and it is moving it to the right location,
but not the move,
Let me know if you want to see the all script, I just want to rename
$UpLoadFileName, it is moving $UpLoadFileName to the right directory but not the rename part..
Thank you

# Change the directory to one contains the file to be transported
# Change dir to where the ftp will place the uploaded file
cd ${LocalDir}
# Initiate the FTP process
ftp -n $RemoteHost <<!EOF
quote user $RemoteUser
quote pass $RemotePass
get $UpLoadFileName
mv $UpLoadFileName supfinaid.DSB
###get $NewName
# End of FTP Process


mv $UpLoadFileName $REMOTE_HOMEFULLPATH/supfinaid.DSB

You may want to use "rename" instead of "mv" some ftp software doesn't support "mv".

I did it

get 07240900.SUP
mv 07240900.SUP /u02/sct/banner/bandev2/finaid/dat_files/eluppdtop.dat

[code /]
It does not work, the get works the 07240900.SUP is in /u02/sct/banner/bandev2/finaid/dat_files
but the mv does not work!!

FTP does not support full pathnames in target filenames.
As the old and new files will be in the same directory ...

rename 07240900.SUP eluppdtop.dat

I did not get it.

rename /my/path1/myfile1 /my/path2/file1

should work. (full path name in target filename)

FTP has much variation beyond the FTP "core" specification.

What is the Operating System and version of the source computer and the target computer?