Why is gcc missing from </usr/sfw/bin>

Hi All: Does anyone know why gcc would be missing from /usr/sfw/bin? Has it been replaced by another file in below directory? .... Do you think admins may have deleted it from here?

More importantly, is there anything else I can use in here as an alternative for a C program compilation?
(gmake is not useful as it will need a c compiler, and CC doesn't work as I get: "/usr/ucb/cc: language optional software package not installed".

/usr/sfw/bin> ls
64                   fixwwps              includeres           psset
a2ps                 flex                 ipmitool             pstops
acroread             font2c               libusb-config        pv.sh
addbuiltin           freetype-config      lprsetup.sh          showchar
ant                  gaddr2line           mib2c                signtool
antRun               gar                  mib2c.perl           signver
antRun.pl            gas                  modutil              snmpbulkget
bdftops              gc++filt             net-snmp-config      snmpbulkwalk
bison                gegrep               net-snmp-config-32   snmpconf
CA.pl                getafm               net-snmp-config-64   snmpdelta
card                 gfgrep               ogonkify             snmpdf
certutil             ggprof               openssl              snmpget
cmsutil              ggrep                pdf2dsc              snmpgetnext
complete-ant-cmd.pl  gimpprint-config     pdf2ps               snmpinform
composeglyphs        gld                  pdfopt               snmpnetstat
crlutil              glib-config          pdiff                snmpset
dumphint             gm4                  pf2afm               snmpstatus
dvipdf               gmake                pfbtopfa             snmptable
eps2eps              gnm                  pilot-xfer           snmptest
epsffit              gobjcopy             pk12util             snmptranslate
escputil             gobjdump             printafm             snmptrap
extractres           granlib              ps2ascii             snmpusm
fixdlsrps            greadelf             ps2epsi              snmpvacm
fixfmps              gs                   ps2pdf               snmpwalk
fixmacps             gsbj                 ps2pdf12             sparcv9
fixmswrd.pl          gsdj                 ps2pdf13             ssltap
fixnt                gsdj500              ps2pdf14             tclsh8.3
fixproc              gsize                ps2pdfwr             texi2dvi4a2ps
fixps                gslj                 ps2ps                unix-lpr.sh
fixpsditps           gslp                 psbook               wftopfa
fixpspps             gsnd                 psmandup             wget
fixscribeps          gstrings             psmerge              wish8.3
fixtpps              gstrip               psnup                zsh
fixwfwps             gtar                 psresize             zsh-4.2.1
fixwpps              ijs-config           psselect

They might have moved, removed or renamed it or just have not installed the gcc package.

Why aren't you asking them directly ?

Does anyone know why gcc would be missing from /usr/sfw/bin? Has it been replaced by another file in below directory? .... Do you think admins may have deleted it from here?

I would search for it if I were you, maybe it is lying somewhere else, who knows, I am a novice but I am trying my best to lend a hand. You can try

find / -name gcc -print

And please don't forget to tell me if it worked!

dude, that's the first thing I tried!! no gcc. i think it was manually removed to prevent development on the machine

Shit, that's was my very first attempt to solve someone's problem on this forum, sorry mate, that was all that I could do. I myself have some problems with my gcc. It is located in /usr/sfw/bin/gcc, but when I try to a compile a c++ hello program, it doesn't compile, giving several errors.
Here is my program, maybe you can lend a hand now.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
         cout << "Hello, world!\n";
         return 0;

I compile it like this

$ /usr/sfw/bin/gcc hello.cpp -o hello

But it fails!

Download form sunfreeware.com gcc or better use better Sun compiler
from Oracle Studio

gcc link


That's not surprising at all. Compiling a C++ source with a C compiler cannot but fail. Only the opposite might work.

I thought gcc is a c++ compiler as well, how can I get c++ compiler for Solaris 10. And please bear with me, I am a novice!

gcc as "Gnu Compiler Collection" includes a C++ compiler but gcc as "Gnu C Compiler", i.e. a single command doesn't. What you are looking for is g++.