Whether Shell script can do this task ???

In following attached 748phy.xls file, fifth column is ST_Date, which contains time and dates in this format

	 	 	 	 	 		 22-11-2012 7:54:54 PM in single column

I want it to split in this format either 1st column 22/11/2012 and in second column 7:54:54 PM

Or like this in separate column

1        2         3      4      5     6     7
Date Month Year  Hour Min Sec  AM/PM
22      11      2012  7     54    54    PM

Whether its possible ? in shell scripting

Thanks in advance.

XLS? Not in a shell script. Either convert it to something sensible like csv, or use perl.

There are command-line tools to convert XLS to CSV. Google for them.

actually I have csv file but forum will not allow you to upload csv file so I had converted into xls and uploaded.

Yes, this can be done in shell scripting. But since you have the data in excel, you can use Format Cells and Text to Columns option to separate these values using a delimiter.

Then post enough of the file (in [code] tags) to show the format.

CSV is just text, you can copy-paste some of it into your post to show it.

To answer your first question:-
Where There is a Shell There is a Way - ULF :smiley:

Try this:-

awk -F, 'NR>1 { split($5,ARR," "); $5=ARR[1]","ARR[2]" "ARR[3]; print; } ' OFS=, file.csv

[LEFT]I have one more file (.txt) in which date format is like this


I want to change the format to DD-Month-Year

How can I do this..


If your date command support -d option, then you can try:-

date -d"$DT" +"%d-%b-%Y"
date -d"$DT" +"%d-%B-%Y"
awk -F- '
 BEGIN { months = "JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec" }
   year = $1; month = $2; day = $3
   printf "%02d-%s-%d\n", day, substr( months, (month - 1) * 3 + 1, 3 ), year
 } ' "$file"

this works but it has to read file and has to write to another new file with new date format, anyways, thanks

Then redirect the output to a new file.

Awesome your code will fulfill my requirement...thank you
@ cfajohnson