What was your first computer?

Oh boy, that's an interesting thread :slight_smile: When I look back, it appears that I've started being "into computers" 17 years ago, I haven't thought about this fact ever. So, on topic : my first computer was "Pravec 8C" - I doubt that anyone outside Bulgaria (or maybe ex-USSR neighbors) is aware of it. Here are the specs, directly from the museum page. I was able to play very few games, all of them were few big green pixels, then the teacher decided we've had enough, and we started learning BASIC. (LET A=10, etc, it was real fun :slight_smile: ). I haven't bought such for home, as the price was equal (at that time) to a small car ... You can imagine, Bulgaria just a few years after the Communism ... it was a total mess. But this very first touch with a computer technology was really exciting for a little kid like me. I haven't stopped ever since .... :slight_smile: Nice memories :wink:

My first computer is a Legend pc(now legend called lenovo).
for now,i am using a ASUS notebook only.:b:

I know I'm posting a lot, but I have a lot of memories... :slight_smile:

I remember using an XT with Turbo when I was in college. Turbo made it go from 4mhz to 8mhz, I think. It was an Xtra, I don't remember who make it. I was taking a Finite Math class and we were programming in Pascal (anybody remember that?) We were doing permutations and probability. I remember kicking off a program that looped through 50k rolls of a pair of dice before I went to bed and it just finishing before I had to go to work in the morning. Now, it would run in seconds.

And to think that went to the moon with this kind of stuff..

Programma 101 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
IBM 1401 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I gained access to both of these in high school. I think the 1401 came first, but it was off-site and our instructor took card decks to it and ran them. The 101 was in the library and I could come to school early or stay late to use it.

A 486 SX-33, with 8 MB RAM, 240 MB hard disk, Tseng ET4000-W32 VESA graphics card and a 14" monitor. I put it together myself with some help from a friend as I was going to start a computing course and wanted to have some idea of how a PC worked.

I have own mine computer is 2006 eight.

Mine was amstrad cpc 6128