What is the purpose of "-z" string checking?

what is the purpose of below specially "-z" string checking, how?

pid=`ps ax |grep java`
if [ ! -z $pid ]

It checks if the length of the string is zero or not.

In your case they want to perform some actions if PID is not forund for a java process

if [ ... ]

is the same as

if test ...

So you can read about it in

man bash


man test

There are some glitches in your sample. The grep for processes can report the grep process itsself. A fix:

pid=`ps ax |grep '[j]ava'`

Certain values of pid can cause a syntax error. Fix:

if [ ! -z "$pid" ]

On many systems you'll have the much safer pgrep to check for the existence of a program, too.

if pgrep java >/dev/null
        echo "java is there"
        echo "java is not there"