What is the command for 10.2.8

that shows any problem fonts in OS X?

Not sure if this is what you're looking for:

Hmmm, I go to terminal and enter sudo fcache, after which it asks for my password. I enter it, but after I hit enter, it says:

sudo: fcache: command not found.

What am I doing wrong?

If you don't know what sudo does, then you may want to do a little research on it first (try looking throught he man pages for sudo). You can cause a lot fo problems if you don't know what you are doing.

With that said...your password will only work if you are an admin on that machine. If you are not, then you may need an admin to assist in this.

Good Luck.

sudo means to run the command as super-user. The problem with the command not found is that you need to install the fcache binary. here is the link: http://homepage.mac.com/mdouma46/fcache/fcache.html :wink: