What is solution for this error "tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors"?

Does anyone know what is solution for this error ?

tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

from last 3 days I am trying to take backup of home/user directory getting again and again same error please anyone give me solution

please post the previous errors ...

I don't know which is previous error

Post the tar command along with the options that you used.

tar -cvzpf /media/Iomega/BACKUP/BACKUP_USER/a_new.tgz  user/
tar -zcvf /media/Iomega/BACKUP/BACKUP_USER/a1_new.tar.gz  user/

above both I tried

Try switching off the verbose option -v and check if you can find an error somewhere during the archiving process.

just now I received this error

tar: user/.cache/gnome-system-monitor.user.3010987174: socket ignored

still it is in process

This particular file is a socket file and should be excluded from archiving.

This worked for me. It seems the /run directory was causing the issue.

tar cvzpf /mnt/Toshiba/Backup.tgz --same-owner --exclude=/home/Backup.tgz 
  --exclude=/home/error.log --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/media/* --exclude=/dev/*
  --exclude=/mnt/* --exclude=/sys/* --exclude=/tmp/* --exclude=/run/* /