what is magic file ?

i am working under this sysytem SunOS sparc SUNW,UltraAX-i2

Some system on this server creates a file named like this.

In order to look into Elem_ee.xml.gz.magic, i first renamed Elem_ee.xml.gz.magic
to Elem_ee.xml.gz and tried to unzip it. but returns like this

gzip: Elem_ee.xml.gz: not in gzip format

what in the first place is this magic stuff ?

what is the output of

file Elem_ee.xml.gz

Above can give whether that perticular file is compressed or not.

i know it is already compressed , but this
Elem_ee.xml.gz.magic is that i don't know how to deal with

I think he actually meant to do file on the magic file, to try and find out its format.