What is difference between "endl" and "\n"?


Is endl and \n is same if NOT please specify what is the difference between both?

  1. In what language?

  2. Different platforms have different line endings....

Macintosh <CR>
DOS/Windows/OS2 <CR>/<LF>

endl is a manipulator in ostream class which when inserted *into an output stream it inserts a new line character and then flushes the stream.
So..that explains what it means when you use just a '\n' or an endl.

I think the result(Next Line) is the same but perhaps the implementation is different.

endl is a platform specific end of line character. If you use /n, it will only put in a line feed. If you use endl, it would use CR on macs, CR/LF on Windows, and LF on unix. Very nice little construct.