What exactly is the concept of BITS in this unix.com forum?

Is there a detailed page on the explanation of concept behind BITS and score used in this forum.

Just saw the index on my Banking page.
(Clicked the Banking hyperlink below my profile name on the topmost right corner of this screen)

Thanks in advance.

It's a rough metric of the behavior and posting content of a user, and the content of the forum as a whole. Users which post threads and posts get paid 'bits' for them. Users which must be moderated all the time will quickly end up with negative bits. And so forth.

These bits can be spent in various ways. Most usefully, you can pay bits to create a thread in the emergency forum. You can also pay bits to set a custom user title. And so forth.

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You can also spend your bits at the Bits Club.

More details on bits can be found below: