What does a double $ represents?

Hi Team,

I have the following statement in my script
"chgrp dw $$DSSDATW5/W5DW_RUNNING.out"

Which throws the error "chgrp: 50528606DSSDATW5/W5DW_RUNNING.out: No such file or directory"

Can you please let me know what does this $$ refers to

It represents the PID of the shell which you are in

Each time you run the script, the value of $$ would differ.
Please contact the author of the script about the purpose of using it.
Also I doubt if the intention is to use a nested variable which doesn't work like this.

$$ in the filenames are generally used to make unique files which are temporary in nature and deleted when the process has finished, to avoid any un-necessary reference of the fix filename used by some other process.

hey thanks for the info CLX. I will try to understand with the info you provided.