What 's setenv?


Is someone know about "setenv"? where can i find out this one?


If you are asking about the csh command setenv, then it is used for setting environment variables in csh. Check the man page for setenv (which may also give you information on set, unset, export, unsetenv - different commands for the different shells to set environment variables)

The setenv command alters the environment (standard settings) of the program. The environment contains parameters for the commands that the user does not want to specify every time a command is used. If a parameter is written in the environment the system will not ask for this parameter. If the parameter name and parameter value are written after the command this will overrule the environment.

setenv parmname xoff parmvalue 0

This setenv command assigns the parameter xoff the parameter value '0' and writes it to the environment. This prevents the system from asking for this parameter when using commands that have the xoff parameter. Hope this is what you are looking for.