
I have a text file which contain all the parameters need for scheduled jobs, then this "control" script would be called everynight at certain time

while read line
    $myScript.sh $line &
    i=\`expr $i \+ 1\`
done < $list

then I need to wait until all these jobs to be completed before proceeding, so I do

while [[ $i -lt $\{\#pid[*]\} ]]
    wait $\{pid[$i]\}
    i=\`expr $i \+ 1\`

however, I notice that it would actually wait for the first job (pid at 0) to be done before continue to wait on job 2, how can I make it such that the wait occurs concurrently? thanks!!!

wait with no arguments waits for all child processes to complete.

If you need to do something special with each return code do that in a process between this script and your current children.