VxVM disk/lun grow

i have a volume on a LUN of an EMC-storage and i need to increase the
i could increase the size of the LUN on the EMC, i could increase the
size of the disk for solaris, but how can i tell the veritas volume
manager that the disk is larger now?

what i've done:

  1. LUN on EMC
  2. in the format menue i' ve chosen the type to autoconfigure, i can see
    the bigger disk in solaris, then in the partitions menu i've created the
    VTOC like before, only one slice on 7 (and 2 for backup, like before) for
    the whole space.
    but VxVM still means
    # vxassist -g datadg maxsize
    VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-752 No volume can be created within the given
    # vxassist -g datadg maxgrow datavol
    VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-1178 Volume datavol cannot be extend within the
    given constraints

so i tried "vxdctl enable", but still the same... but i can still work
with the volume.. it must be written in the privatregion somewhere...
any ideas?

V440, solaris9 (09/05), VxVM 4.1, VxFS 4.1

thanks in advance,

Using the terminology of vxvm, you take some disks and put them together to make a disk group. Then you carve volumes out of the disk group. It sounds like you have increased the size of a disk and you want vxvm to notice the increased size. Short of reinitializing the disk, I'm not sure you can do that. If you can, I feel that it would be one of the "disk" type commands rather than a "volume" type command. I think you're expected to add a disk to the disk group and then increase the volumes.

You're right Perderabo, it is a 'disk' command.

Pressy, this is it:

vxdisk resize [LUN name] length=[new LUN length]


nice one reborg, thanks...

didn't know that option, it only comes with the Storage Foundation license, well, no problem here. still a strange behavior, but whatever, it works. I've tried it in a test-environment:

root@scnode2 # vxdisksetup -i c3t54d0
root@scnode2 # vxdg init testdg testhd=c3t54d0
root@scnode2 # vxassist -g testdg maxsize
Maximum volume size: 5681152 (2774Mb)
root@scnode2 # vxassist -g testdg make testvol 2774m layout=nostripe
root@scnode2 #
root@scnode2 # mkfs -F vxfs /dev/vx/rdsk/testdg/testvol
    version 6 layout
    5681152 sectors, 2840576 blocks of size 1024, log size 16384 blocks
    largefiles supported
root@scnode2 #
root@scnode2 #
root@scnode2 # mount -F vxfs /dev/vx/dsk/testdg/testvol /mnt
root@scnode2 # while true; do mkfile 1024m /mnt/testfile && rm /mnt/testfile ; done &
root@scnode2 #
#### now i increased the lun and configured the new size in solaris: ####
root@scnode2 # vxassist -g testdg maxgrow testvol
VxVM vxassist ERROR V-5-1-1178 Volume testvol cannot be extend within the given constraints
#### nothing... now reborg's hint ####
root@scnode2 # vxdisk -g testdg resize testhd
VxVM vxdisk ERROR V-5-1-8643 Device testhd: resize failed: Cannot remove last disk in disk group
#### seems he want to reinitialize, out of group and back in.... ####
#### temporaly i've added a second disk ###
root@scnode2 # vxdg -g testdg adddisk testhd2=c3t53d0
root@scnode2 # vxdisk -g testdg resize testhd
root@scnode2 # pgrep mkfile
root@scnode2 # 
root@scnode2 # vxdg -g testdg rmdisk testhd2
root@scnode2 # vxassist -g testdg maxgrow testvol
Volume testvol can be extended by 65441792 to: 71122944 (34728Mb)
root@scnode2 # vxresize -g testdg testvol 34728m
root@scnode2 # df -h /mnt
Filesystem             size   used  avail capacity  Mounted on
                        34G   844M    31G     3%    /mnt
root@scnode2 # pgrep mkfile
root@scnode2 # ls -lh /mnt
total 554016
drwxr-xr-x   2 root     root          96 Mar 27 10:29 lost+found
-rw-------   1 root     other       1.0G Mar 27 10:30 testfile
root@scnode2 # vxdisk -g testdg list
DEVICE       TYPE            DISK         GROUP        STATUS
c3t54d0s2    auto:cdsdisk    testhd       testdg       online
root@scnode2 #

it works live in my test, but veritas recommendation is to do it offline.

thanks again for that nice tip,

best regards PRESSY