vio server ethernet to vio client ethernet(concepts confusing)


In the vio server when I do # lsattr -El hdisk*, I get a PVID. The same PVID is also seen when I put the lspv command on the vio client partition. This way Im able to confirm the lun using the PVID.

Similarly how does the vio client partition gets the virtual ethernet scsi client adapter from the vio server ? :wall:

I think this is the answer you are looking for...

You have to get your HMC involved because the vio server and your client LPAR can only see their own slot numbers for their adapters. I don't think either can see the other server's slot number, maybe they can but I'm not sure how.

Here is how it can be done though. In this example, slot 11 on the VIO server connects to slot C9 on the client.

Get the slot number of the vscsi0 from the client side using "lsslot -c slot":

client_lpar:/:$ lsslot -c slot | grep vscsi0
U8205.E6B.0110000-V1-C9   Virtual I/O Slot  vscsi0

Assuming your managed system's name is "MANAGEDSYSTEM", query your HMC with the 'lshwres' command and grep out your client LPAR's hostname and slot number. From this command you'll see the client slot to VIO slot association (make sure to put the comma inside the double-quotes of the grep):

client_lpar:/:$ ssh -q hscroot@hmchostname lshwres -r virtualio -m MANAGEDSYSTEM --rsubtype scsi --level lpar | grep "lpar_name=client_lpar," | grep "slot_num=9,"

You can verify the resulting VIO slot number information by looking at the 'lsmap -all' output on your VIO server:

vio1:/home/padmin:# lsmap -all | more
SVSA            Physloc                                      Client Partition ID
--------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------
vhost0          U8205.E6B.0110000-V39-C11                    0x00000001

VTD                   client_lparhdisk0
Status                Available
LUN                   0x8100000000000000
Backing device        hdisk5
Physloc               U78AA.001.xxxxxX6-P1-C4-T1-Z10060F8020061F02-L3000000000000
Mirrored              false