Vi Editor

I'm doing a teaching ass't for a basic unix course for a local college and we have given the new students an assignment where they have to code 10 pages of html by hand using the Vi Editor (i know it's cruel)

The purpose of this exersize is to get them used to unix and vi commands and how the internet and unix works together.

Now my question. is there a way to monitor vi editor usage, ie what actions are done while in vi. the reason i ask is that i want to ensure students aren't just copying and pasting code from frontpage or dreamweaver.

Any suggestions on monitoring this?

The only way I know of, even if they get the code from Dreamweaver or Frontpage is to make them enter all code in class or lab only. However, you would have to keep a copy of the file they have on a central server and then distribute and retrieve each class period.

IMHO, This wouldn't present a good environment for learning.

Let me say that what you are suggesting is very difficult to do. I would be happy and supprised if they could think of 10 pages of HTML code!!!


One way to insure they are learning and not cheating is to test them on the commands in a classroom with questions that are related to the lab assignment.

So, you simply have them do as you planned; then have them sit down for a test and quiz them on vi commands. If they have done the assignment (or have just memorized the commands) then they should do well.

Teaching is a matter of style.... I don't recommend trying to monitor them when they do homework, that is wrong. However, testing them on what they should have learned if they did the assignment properly, that is quite normal and acceptable.

In my first Unix Shell course, the prof had us write out a man page for vi using it :wink:
Thought it was totally evil at the time, but we definately learned something.

For 4 semesters my professors couldnt track VI usage or anything, so im pretty sure theres not a REALLY GOOD WAY of checking that the students arent copyin' and pasting....Besides, if they cheat on their assign they will probably fail their exam.....

I had to use VI editor for first semester too, i hatted all the commands i had to use and all that...

but now im in last semester and i love the thing, wouldnt do a HTML page without it....