Variables betwen pthreads ?

I have a doubt .. ( maybe I don't know ..)

Let's say , we got the folowing example ( to understand better what I mean ).

We got two POSIX threads ( pthreads ) , one receives some strings and creates a menu ( for that strings , scrollable menu ) , and another one check's to see if it has to scroll the menu , or scroll down some strings.

I mean , the menu with strings is created in one pthread ( lets say it 1 ) , and simultanous checking if to scroll down strings or even menu is done is pthread 2 . How can pthread 2 know the location ( I mean pointer ) of the menu & window used in pthread 1 ? I mean a menu and a window are created in pthread 1 and fill out , at regular intervals , but I want pthread 2 to local variables used in pthread 1 to..

something like :

 p1 = pthread_create(&thread1, NULL , Check, NULL);
 p2 = pthread_create(&thread2, NULL , Receive ,NULL);

and ..

void *Check()
int c;

 if (c = wgetch(wind)) == KEY_DOWN )
                menu_driver(menu, REQ_DOWN_ITEM);


and ..

void *Receive()
WINDOW *wind;
MENU *menu;
ITEM *item;

< create window  wind  and menu   menu >


What I want ? I want Check void to use wind and menu from Receive .. Can I do this ( multithreading ) ?

Thanks in advance ! :wink:

Yes you can. Threads share memory. Just make sure that you declare the variables before you invoke the threads.

Oh ya ! True . I have already implemented the idea !

Thanks ! :slight_smile: