using unregistered domain names

hey what the hell happens if you make sure (as best one can) that a domain name like is not used at all, and you set up your own DNS and use that name without registering with a registrar, i know if the address is in use you will make some people very upset and give many internet users a hard time right? i wouldnt do that, but its been an unanswered question ive had for a while.

DNS works on a tree principle.

When I perform a local DNS look-up, that request is forwarded to my DNS server. If that DNS server doesn't know where that domain is then it forwards the request to its DNS server (or the registrar DNS server of the top level domain [e.g. .com or .org]) Anyhow a request is forwarded up the tree until it hits someone that knows which DNS (nameserver) it resides on then it goes back down the tree to that namesever which provides the IP address, which is then sent back to the original DNS server, which then sends it back to the client.

Basically, if you make your own DNS server and say that IP address "x.x.x.x" is domain "", anybody getting DNS information from that DNS server will believe that IP address "x.x.x.x" is "". Now due to the fact that DNS operates in a tree structure your DNS server is going to be at the bottom of that, so no other DNS server should be querying you.

So in answer to your question, it really wouldn't make any difference. If your domain "" isn't registered at the TLD registrar (at the top of the tree) then my DNS server won't know that your DNS server is the host for that domain.

Hope this make sense.

its clear now. thanks for the responce.