using TAR -cvf test.tar "HELP"


I use the command tar -cvf /home/output/test.tar /home/input on one UNIX server, lets call it sneezy. I FTP the tared file over to another server, lets call it bashful. Use the tar -xvf test.tar command and get a error indicating that it is looking for the same directory as where the original input files were tarred.

I don't want to have to create the same directory on a different server, I just want to be able to un-tar in any directory after I FTP. shoulld I be using something different than "-cvf" that will allow to untar in any dir?

Please HELP



try as

tar -cvf test.tar /home/input

I have to specify a specific location for the tarred file. The is coded in a c program and then passed to unix to be fired. I have no say where the input location is and where the output location is. It's all done by ENV variables.

I have to get this working???



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