Using sort command to get numeric ascending order

HI everyone,
I am trying to use the unix sort command to get a list of numbers sorted in ascending order but having trouble in getting it to work.
An example of this issue would be when i am trying to sort the following three
number each on a different line "1" , "2" and "116" the sort command list the
results in the order 1,116,2
i want it to sort it as 1,2,116.
Is there any option in sort command that will help me achieve this?




use -n to sort numerically.

Check the man page.

cat file1

sort -n file1

If you want to sort on a different field, use -k

cat file2
a 1 blah
b 116 even more blah
c 2 more blah

sort -nk2 file2
a 1 blah
c 2 more blah
b 116 even more blah

Thank you very much
I think your reply has solved my issue.
the actual file had a list of Ips that was not getting sorted
by using the -n switch. I had to modify the file to get the
last octet off of the file and use sort -n to get it to work.
Really appreciate your help.


you might want to 'normalize' all the quads of the IP address and sort by the normalized version (assuming all IPs are one per line):

nawk -F. '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) printf("%03d", $i); print OFS $0}' myIPfile | sort -n -k1,1 | cut -d ' ' -f2-
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