using sed to replace ' with `

Dear All,

        I am writting a shell script program on AIX server version 5.3 in which I am doing cleaningprocess for files in which I am trying to replace ' with \` . and for this I am using following command:

sed -e 's/[ ]/$/g' -e 's/\\/\//g' -e 's/'/`/g' $file >> $opath"/"${file##/*/}

However, I am getting an syntax error.

./rawfiles_p.ksh[27]: 0403-057 Syntax error at line 44 : ``' is not matched.

    I am new to KSH script. Can anybody sugget me where it is going wrong??
     I also tried using "s/'/\`/g" still the problem was not resolved.

       Can anybody suggest me how to replace ' \(single quote\) in a file with \` symbol.

Thanks & Regards

please comment on this issue. Is it possible ?? please guide.

You must escape the ` character in this way:

echo "'test'"

echo "'test'" | sed "s/'/\`/g"