user logged on any server

the method to find out the all the user who are the current user of the system?
i tried with the who. but with that i receive the TTY like something.

Your question is unclear, do you need t ofind out all users currently logged on the server ? If yes, "who" command will give you this, you can also use "finger", it will report like :

thanks for rply
my question is :
i want to know which are the users which logged on the server
by who or finger i rcv only the vertual name
i want to know the actula name and the destination ip or any information abt the user

The IP address that you see from finger or who is the IP of logged user.
Use the "last" command to see users previously logged or still logged in.
You can retrieve the information about users like :
example : you run "finger" and you see user "ssh" logged in, then you can "grep ssh /etc/passwd" and you should see :

  • the part "Privilege-separated SSH" is comment, and usually this is additional information about certain user.