use vimdiff inside while read


I need to read a file name from a txt file, found the difference in two folders, then modify the file using vimdiff,

while read file
 diff src/$file dest/$file > /dev/null 2>&1
 if [ $? -eq 0]; then
    vimdiff src/$file dest/$file 
done < ./my_text_file

since the stdin has been redirect to file my_text_file, vimdiff can't work properly.

anyone can help me to fix it?



Try this:

while IFS= read -r; do
  diff src/"$REPLY" dest/"$REPLY" || ( 
    exec 0< /dev/tty
    vimdiff src/"$REPLY" dest/"$REPLY" 
done < infile

works like a charm


could anyone please explain how this script work ?

It redirects the standard input to the controlling terminal inside the loop:

exec 0< /dev/tty

In this way the program vimdiff reads the user input instead of the stream coming from the pipe.


Could you please explain the significance of the diff command as well

diff src/"$REPLY" dest/"$REPLY" ||

This is a logical OR:

command1 || command2

In this case command2 will be executed only if command1 returns status different than 0 (i.e. if the files to be compared are different).

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