Use strings from nth field from one file to match strings in entire line in another file, awk

I cannot seem to get what should be a simple awk one-liner to work correctly and cannot figure out why. I would like to use patterns from a specific field in one file as regex to search for matching strings in the entire line ($0) of another file.

I would like to output the lines of File2 which contain the string of $2 in File1.


PS002,002 RZN        ?           0     1  0  0  1  4 -1     6  0  3  2     2  2  2  1     -1     -1    -1   0 502   0
PS003,001 BRX        ?           0     1  1  0  1  1 -1     4  0  0  0     1  1  1 -1     -1     -1    -1   0 501   0
PS006,009 P<L        ?           0     1  0  0  1  5 -1     6  0  3  2     1  2  0 -1      2     -1    -1  -1  -1  -1
PS007,001 CJR=       ?           0     1  0  0  1 -1 -1     2  3  1  2    -1  1  1 -1     -1     -1    -1   0 501   0
PS017,003 ZMM        ?           0     1  0  0  6 -1 -1     2  1  1  0    -1  1  1 -1     -1     -1    -1   0 501   0
PS017,004 CMR        ?           0     1  0  0  6 -1 -1     2  1  1  0    -1  1  1 -1     -1     -1    -1   0 501   0
PS018,001 >JB        ?           0     1  0  0  1  5 -1     6  0  3  2     1  2  0 -1    306     -1    -1  -1  -1  -1
PS018,002 >MR        ?          -1     1  2  0  1 -1 -1    11  3  1  2    -1  1  1 -1     -1     -1    -1   0 501   0
PS018,018 FN>        ?           0     1  0  0  1  5 -1     6  0  3  2     1  2  0 -1     -1     -1    -1  -1  -1  -1


PS003,001 MZMWR/ L-DWD// *
PS003,001 B-!!BRX[/+W M(N-PN(H/J >BCLWM// BN/+W *
PS004,001 L-(H-1M]]NYX[/ B-NGJN(H/WT MZMWR/ L-DWD// *
PS016,001 MKTM/ L-DWD// *
PS017,001 TPL(H/H L-DWD// *
PS018,001 L-(H-1M]]NYX[/ L-<BD/ JHWH// L-DWD// >CR ]]DBR[ L-JHWH// >T DBR/J H-CJR(H/H H-Z>T *
PS018,001 B-JWM/ ]H](NY1JL[ JHWH// >1WT+W M(N-KP/ KL/ >JB[/J+W W-M(N-JD/ C>WL// *
PS019,001 L-(H-1M]]NYX[/ MZMWR/ L-DWD// *

Desired Output:
(These two lines contain the strings BRX and >JB from $2 of File1)

PS003,001 B-!!BRX[/+W M(N-PN(H/J >BCLWM// BN/+W *
PS018,001 B-JWM/ ]H](NY1JL[ JHWH// >1WT+W M(N-KP/ KL/ >JB[/J+W W-M(N-JD/ C>WL// *

It seems to me that either of the two following awk one-liners should do the trick:

awk 'NR==FNR{A[$0]++;next}($2 in A){print A[$0]}' File2 File1
awk 'NR==FNR{A[$1]=$0;next}$2 in A{print A[$1]}' File2 File1

I have even attempted to name all of the records of File2 in a variable for use in the print statement

awk 'NR==FNR{x=$0; A[x];next}$2 in A {print x}' File2 File1

However, these keeps returning nothing.

Nevertheless I can get it to work with grep:

grep -f <(awk '{print $2}' File1) File2

I would like to get the forum's help as to why my awk code is failing.

Your awk code fails because the ( var in array ) construct yields / needs an EXACT (NOT partial) match of var in the array's indices. Your third attempt comes closest but it still tries to match file1's $2 to entire lines of file2.

How about

awk 'NR == FNR {T[$2]; next} {for (t in T) if ($0 ~ t) print}' file[12]
PS003,001 B-!!BRX[/+W M(N-PN(H/J >BCLWM// BN/+W *
PS018,001 B-JWM/ ]H](NY1JL[ JHWH// >1WT+W M(N-KP/ KL/ >JB[/J+W W-M(N-JD/ C>WL// *
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