Usbcopy fails with the error message sol-11_1-live-x86.usb is not a multiple of 512

I am trying to create a live image of solaris 11.1.
I have used

#pkg image-update

to upgrade from 11 to 11.1 already. (since only 11.1 can make images of 11.1 due to using new grub)

then from within 11.1 I used

pkg install install distribution-constructor

to get latest usbcopy that should be compatible with the new GRUB

then I tried:

taltamir@new-host:/tank/share/My Downloads (Software)/Operating Systems/Solaris# usbcopy sol-11_1-live-x86.usb
Found the following USB devices:
0:    /dev/rdsk/c9t0d0p0    1.9 GB    CBM      USB 2.0          8.07
Enter the number of your choice: 0

WARNING: All data on your USB storage will be lost.
Are you sure you want to install to
CBM USB 2.0 8.07, 1900 MB at /dev/rdsk/c9t0d0p0 ?  (y/n) y
lofiadm: size of /tank/share/My Downloads (Software)/Operating Systems/Solaris/sol-11_1-live-x86.usb is not a multiple of 512


: Failed to lofiadm sol-11_1-live-x86.usb

What is the problem?

The problem is that the image you are writing out (to USB) has to be a multiple of 512 for lofiadm to be happy.

(If it's not a multiple of 512 then it's not a valid image.)

So you either need to find out why the created image isn't a multiple of 512 or pad it out using a fudge and see if it works.

Typical fudge would be

dd if=old.iso of=new.iso obs=512 conv=sync

to fix the size issue.