Urgent request to consider:Search specific name in a file and fetch specific entries

Hi all,

I have 2 files, One file contain data like this


These names are mentioned in the second file(Please see attached second file) as

# Drug_Target_X_Gene_Name:(Where X can be any number (1-1000)

Now the second file contain data like this where these entries (Drug_Target_X_Gene_Name) are present

#BEGIN_DRUGCARD DB0xxxx (0001- 8820)

# Drug_Target_X_Gene_Name


#END_DRUGCARD DB0xxxx (0001- 8820)

So, if any entry of first file matches with second file


I want to fetch following entry in a separate file

# Description:

So, if the CHRM1 from first file is present in Drug Card 00001 of second file as # Drug_Target_X_Gene_Name
the output shuld be

CHRM1       (Description in front like thid for eg: Lepirudin is identical to        natural hirudin except for substitution of  .....) 

It is also possible CHRM1 is present in more than one drug cards, in that case there will be two different descriptions from two different drug cards

CHRM1       (Description in front like this for eg: Lepirudin is identical to        natural hirudin except for substitution of  .....) 
CHRM1       (Description in front like this for eg: Dornase alfa is a biosynthetic form of human deoxyribunuclease I (DNase I) enzyme. It is produced in genetically modified    Chinese hamster ovary   .....) 

In same way for all entries of first file I need description from drug cards of second file if these entries are present in any of the drug card of second file.

Any help will be really appreciated.

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