update a oracle table using shell script

I would like to know how to update a table in Oracle database, if a command in one shell script either successfully completes or it fails.(like Y if its success or N if its a failure)

While the command is running,I am able to view the log file created in the Unix machine.After the command is exexcuted,it has to update a column in Oracle database . How can I do this?

any ideas or solutions are welcome.

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Example how to insert stuff in Oracle from a simple shell-script:

# Other oracle stuff if you need them, $ORACLE_HOME, $PATH etc 

sqlplus -s scott/tiger <<EOF
insert into sold_items values (id_sold_items_seq.nextval, '$MYVAR')

Regarding the success of a command; it depends on what shell you are using, i.e. bash use $? as the return value of te previous process.