unixware 7.1.0 boot floppy #2 needed if someone has one.

Hi all,
I'm reinstalling unixware 7.1.0 on another machine for a customer that will replace the existing machine that is now in use. When i go to start the install the second floppy is not recognized. These are the original sco floppies.

I have recreated the boot floppies from the CD and same thing. First one boots fine second it not recognized.

I went to APlawrence's site and used the link to download the images from Caldera's FTP site. Same thing. One is fine and second is not.

Just to test my equipment (floppies and floppy drive) I downloaded the 7.1.1 boot disks and they worked fine. These are the same floppies and the same floppy drive that I used for the 7.1.0 disk images (same version of rawrite) but whenever I try to use the 7.1.0 images it never sees the second disk.

Could there be a bad img on the ftp site? Even if that is true how could the image on the CD be bad?

I originally thought it would be a hardware problem but the 7.1.1 disks boot fine. I've deleted and recreated them 3 times and they always work.

Anybody ever have this issue before?

Does anyone have a working img2 boot disk for 7.1.0 that they could image with rawrite and send me? If so please shoot me a PM.



You succeeded with 2nd boot floppy? i am also stuck in the same problem.

Please let me know , if you have a solution.

I'm sorry to say that I did not get it to work. I tried the boot img's from the SCO site and some other sites. I ended up installing the 7.1.1 version of the OS. I believe that I used their original license info for the 7.1.1 but i could have used the 7.1.1 license info. The customer that loaned me the 7.1.1 disks no longer has that server. At this point if SCO complains then i can have them fix their own boot disks.

I'm not sure is this is a media problem with the disks or the boot floppies. I was never able to get another copy of 7.1.0 to test with.

sorry I could not give you better news.

Bug. I am upgrading with 7.1.4 evaluations. Great to see :slight_smile: