Unix Sco Open Server, Windows Computers Problem Access Unix Shared Files Help!!!!!

Hello Moto

I hope someone can help

We's here at work, have a unix box with sco openserver 5 on it, so it has a nice gui interface.. and also a fair few windows computers..

a system admin guy b4 me, has set up a user called neil, which can, when u try to access the unix box using windows explorer, and you type his username password, it works...

But we want more users, so i looked in the sco at the userlist, neil is there, so i created other user, and tryed matching the access details, even also on the folders etc... and rebooted, but still it rejects my new user/password

When it does not allow the user, its not even on a folder basic's, because there 3 shared folders, but it does not allow you, to even connect to the root..

I cant see the different between these users, and what was done differently when that one was created, anyone, got any ideas about this one

thanks in advance..

Incase i didt make it clear, because i'm good at that....

if you go in windows explorer, and type

from an xp computer of

the username, password box appears, only if u type neil, and the password, will it then show u 3 folders

so rather then this being a folder or file permission then, it could be a connect to the computer at all... perhaps a webserver, which i dont believe is running but may be....

hosts list or something ? i dont know, i'm a windows person really

arrrrr help please

also, the server is called samba, so i guess its that

sco open server is installed on it

i have been in every thing i can see, controls, system admin... cant find anything about this, or why my user is not allowed

is it possible extra or other software could have been installed which is in some way controling, this allowed users... hense mine not being included in this file sharing...

my new user does work, because i can telnet and log in, i just cant use windows explorer, to look at files...

and i need a mapped drive rigging up, for backup reason

i have tryed mapping drives, and setting the username to connect with, it works, then needs retyping ever time someone boots up.. which i cant have

the only option i currently have is to set everyones username up as neil on their windows computers, but i dont really want to do that..

thanks if your still reading